Medicor Ltd., located in Cham (Zug/Switzerland) is a traditional Family Company, which – founded in the 1980ies, is an experienced Distributor for Supplies, Installation and Maintenance of Medical Devices and Machines and Market Introduction of new, innovative Products.
Our valued Customers are not only University Hospitals, Cantonal Hospitals, and Private Clinics but also Private Practices, GPs, Pharmacies and Nursing Homes. We also may count well-known Strategic Buying Groups to our Customers.
Thanks to our Customers and with Assistance of our Suppliers and Partners we may act for over 30 Years in the Swiss Market.
Our experienced Product Specialists and Sales Representatives advise our Customers with a maximum of Competence. Therefore, they absolve regular Trainings at our Suppliers'. We also want to fulfil and exceed your special Requests!
Get satisfied and convinced from our unique Service and please feel free to contact us.